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Female, 33 Years

Cindy L.

Female, 33 Years

Kowloon, Hong Kong

Master's graduate in Economics and Behavioural Economics.


I studied in a prestigious secondary school in Hong Kong and achieved good results in both Science and Social Science subjects. After completing my studies, I graduated from The Un... Read more

Teaching methodology

It depends on the needs of my students. I can focus on homework and exams, or I can help my students explore their academic areas and passions more deeply. Importantly, once aga... Read more

  • HK$400

    Hourly rate
  • 11

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Educational Qualification

Master's Degree in Behavioural Economics and Finance

University of Exeter

  • United Kingdom
  • 2019

Master's Degree in Behavioural Economics and Finance

University of Exeter

  • United Kingdom
  • 2019

Bachelor in Economics and Finance (Minor in Psychology)

The University of Hong Kong

  • Hong Kong
  • 2015

Science and Social Science

Diocesan Girls' School

  • Hong Kong
  • 2011

Learning Materials

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Reviews Received

Zara P

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Cindy has been my tutor throughout the Fall semester of 2020, and all I can say is that I would like to thank her for her help. She is comprehensive in her explanations, extremely knowledgable in the subject of Microeconomics, and a kind and caring person. She helped me through a rigorous first-year economics course at Cornell University. I have had many experiences with tutors throughout my life, and I can confidently say that Cindy is one of the best tutors I have encountered. I highly recommend her, and feel free to reach out to me with any questions about my experience :)

Posted on: 30 November, 2020

Hong Chun Ngai

Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong

Cindy clears up a lot of confusion for me in the Econometric department. She doesn't hesitate to help out on my questions and I made a lot of progress thanks to her effort. She sent me a lot of materials during class to help me understand the subject as well. After the session she took time to double check the topics I'm not familiar with to make sure I'm having the right information. Her time for the price is reasonable. Hence I strongly recommend people to have her for tutoring.

Posted on: 10 August, 2020

Megan Wong

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

I found my experience with Cindy very professional and helpful and her prices were very reasonable. Her experience with economics/econometrics was a huge help for my dissertation, I could not have made as much progress as I have thus far without her help. She took initiative by conducting her own research on my topic when we began our sessions which I also appreciated. Whenever I needed extra support she was also a big help. I will definitely be recommending her services to any friends who need tutoring help.

Posted on: 15 June, 2020


kowloon, Hong Kong

Cindy Li taught me Economics and was an amazing tutor. She has a great expertise in Economics and always prepared for tutorials beforehand. She explained every concept very clearly and knew exactly how to approach each question effectively. Highly recommend!

Posted on: 12 June, 2020

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